Stellantis - FCA Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

Risk Management and Compliance Intern

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

The environment, people and projects that I experienced here at Chrysler was definitely the best part of the company. My experience during the internship led me to make the decision of coming back there to work full-time very easy. An overall great company!

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to ask questions even if you think that it seems irrelevant or unnecessary. Ask for advice when you are unsure of anything!
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Facilities Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Toledo, OH

What I liked

What I wish was different


Do not take an internship for granted. This is experience that will help you better your knowledge and be prepared for a real job after college.
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Manufacturing Engineer Intern

May - August 2019 • Sterling Heights, MI

What I liked

It was incredible to be able to see what goes into mass-producing a vehicle

What I wish was different

I wish that I had more time outside of work to explore more of Michigan


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Supply Chain Intern

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

I loved every single part of my internship this past summer! I was not only able to network and learn from so many people within the company, but i had the opportunity to see the automotive industry in a whole new light! It was the most amazing experience I ever had!

What I wish was different

There isn’t much that I wish would have been different! Honestly, I wish i could have stayed longer in my internship so that i could see all the work i put into it. I really enjoyed every minute of my internship and loved the interaction between the other interns and how we were able to bond throughout our journey together. We helped one another and it was a great experience.


If there are some who feel hesitant about applying for an internship out of state, i would really try to consider moving and finding experience where you can! Going to my internship with FCA was the best decision i had ever made for myself. I not only came back with the experience i was looking for, but with a full time offer to return once i graduate. It’s something that i will cherish forever!
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Electrical Engineer

May - August 2019 • Kokomo, IN

What I liked


What I wish was different



Make sure you choose a project that is related to your major. My project was 100% based on software experience. If I can go back and change; I'll definitely put my self on some hand-on work; learn some PLCs and....
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Product Development Intern

May - September 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

Before I arrived my management had projects already planned out for me. Other internships I completed were way less organized and ended up being very boring because of the lack of work I had. At FCA, I learned a lot and felt like a helpful member of my department. They also go out of their way to ensure every intern has a fun summer with lots of different intern events and unique opportunities. I would highly recommend an internship at FCA to anyone.

What I wish was different


FCA loves to hire their interns for full time positions. For this reason, your entire internship is basically a chance to prove yourself to your management and at the end they will recommend you for different starting positions. If you are engaged and work hard there is a very good chance you will receive a full-time offer.
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Project Manager Intern (SVR)

May - August 2019 • Kokomo, IN

What I liked

I enjoyed the experience being on the floor in a fast-paced manufacturing environment. I enjoyed meeting a lot of different people and creating networks throughout the summer.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more choice in which area you work at, but I think the internship program is great and the company is working on this as well as allowing interns to spend time outside of their job postings and in areas of interest.


Come ready to work, and don't be arrogant. You will be a supervisor for workers much older than you, make sure to learn from them instead of acting like you already know more.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

It was a great time and I learned a lot about how a corporate company works.

What I wish was different


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Business Systems Analyst

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

I really like the company culture and how willing to help everyone is.

What I wish was different

I wish I had done a little more research on the different departments. This is nothing that FCA did wrong, but I rushed to get in what I wanted and FCA gave it to me instead of taking my time. That being said, the department that I was in gave me opportunities that I was not expecting. I learned so much and I am glad that I had the project that I had.


Don't be afraid to walk up the people at the FCA booths. The company might be big but the people there are very down to earth.
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Electrical Engineering Intern

May 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

What I wish was different


This was a great experience and I would advise anyone looking for an internship to go to the career fairs and utilize handshake.
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Product Development Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

FCA did a great job of making their interns feel welcome and helping them expand their personal networks. Throughout the summer I was able to participate in many events that helped me meet new interns, coworkers, and leaders within the company. Another thing that FCA did a good job of was helping me get acquainted with the projects I would be working on. At no point did I feel like I was being over-burdened or that I didn't have anyone to ask for help if I needed it.

What I wish was different

I wish that the intern program at FCA would have focused more on bridging the gap between interns and their senior managers. I would have appreciated more time face-to-face with my senior manager, so perhaps the intern program could encourage, require, and help arrange meetings between interns and their senior managers in the future.


Do not be afraid to ask for help! Your supervisors and coworkers do not wish to set you up for failure, and you should not be expected to know everything about a project when you are learning about it for the first time. Asking questions never hurts, and your manager will like to see that you are heavily invested in whatever you may be working on.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Experiencing a plant environment and learning how a car is assembled

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been involved in the manufacturing processes, not working on energy consumption.


You need to have thick skin to work in the plant.
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Stamping Engineering Program Management Intern

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

I like that I was able to immerse myself in the ways of the stamping engineering department of a major auto manufacturer. I was able to see the ins and outs and actually be involved in decisions that effect the ways and outcomes of the products they produce. I went to meetings and used company wide databases that contained important information to aid the stamping operations.

What I wish was different

I was able to do some shadowing to different suppliers and FCA facilities to see the work in action. However I wish the position was more involved in other aspects. I did find myself at time with little to do. I wish I had the opportunity to see more of the company and to have more of a solidified task on the day to day basis.


If there is one piece of advice I can give, it would be that you can never learn too much. Its always important to take notes when your mentors are talking and always be attentive during each minute of your day, even if you can't learn everything at once, you will learn by surrounding yourself in the material.
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Welding Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

Great experience. Great people

What I wish was different

Would have benefited from more work in the assembly plants.


Put yourself into a position to learn
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Product Development

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

I really enjoyed the work environment, all my coworkers were so supportive and helpful. When they did not have an answer to my questions, they’d directly refer me to someone who did. I learned so much for my project and this internship pushed me further to a more software oriented career. I also got full ownership of my project, from start to finish, and it really spoke volumes of how FCA trust their employees. Excited to go back this incoming summer for another internship with FCA!!

What I wish was different

I wish I could have met more directors and executives.


Ask a lot of questions. A lot of people get stuck, and it’s vital to refuse to be in the phase and asking a lot of questions to the right people is a way.
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Field Sales and Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Columbia, MD

What I liked

Ability to do real, meaningful work that added value to multiple teams and taught me many different aspects of automotive sales operations.

What I wish was different

A little more structure, coaching, and mentorship. More experience and shadowing of District/Area Sales Managers.


Seek opportunities.
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Summer vacation replacement

May - August 2019 • Toledo, OH

What I liked

The hours and responsibilities

What I wish was different

Longer experience


Take the time to do things right the first time especially as an intern
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

I was able to complete meaningful work, and interact often with upper management.

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been more communication prior to the beginning of the internship.


Your experience is what you make of it. Take advantage of every opportunity presented.
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Product Development Intern

May - August 2019 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

I liked the organized structure of the internship program.

What I wish was different

I wish I had my own desk, rather than share one big one with 9 other interns


I would recommend it to anyone trying to get general engineering industry experience
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May - August 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

the ability to work with a high volume of people and high volume of product

What I wish was different

the people had a bad attitude and attendance issues amongst my people was a hurdle i had to jump through that i did not anticipate


take everything with a grain of salt, it is hard but it is rewarding when you have a bad day but still make the days goal
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