Communications Fellow
The Fund for Global Health is a non-partisan, non-profit aid and advocacy organization. Its activities include working with Congress on policy improvements and increased funding for selected U.S. global health and humanitarian aid programs, as well as monitoring implementation of the new road safety policy of the World Bank. Our grassroots network of citizen lobbyists includes Advocacy Fellows and family physicians in the states and Congressional districts of legislators on the subcommittees that appropriate foreign aid.
We are seeking two Communications Fellows to work with senior staff on our public communications, including our website, social media and press relations. This would be a good position for a communications major or graduate, or someone with experience creating engaging website and social media materials. The position requires a minimum 12-month commitment of approximately 8 hours a week. All activities can be performed remotely.
Duties would include:
1. Updating, improving, and keeping current our website on Squarespace,
2. Working with other Fellows on a social media team to post regular content on social media platforms that forwards our lobbying and recruiting aims.
3. Writing press advisories and press releases when needed and sending them to relevant media outlets. For events produced by our Advocacy Fellows, such as virtual town halls with Members of Congress, this would mean working with those Fellows to identify media contacts and to write and distribute these materials.
Candidates should have creativity, attention to detail, a passion for global health and a desire to engage in political advocacy.
To apply, send a resume, a writing sample, a sample of your work on social media, data visualization and/or websites, and a brief statement of interest to:
Keith Johnson, Director of Advocacy: