Backcountry Trail Technician (Granite Chief Wilderness)
On the Tevis Cup Trail (TCT) in Granite Chief Wilderness (GCW), there are identified problematic trail alignment concerns including soil erosion and user safety. The TCT crosses through a series of sensitive sub-alpine riparian zones where the trail presents heavy soil erosion and concentrated runoff. The TCT in GCW is used as a competitive event route for both the Western States Endurance Run and the Western States Endurance Ride (separate 100 mile run and equestrian events) that occur in the spring and summer. TCT alignment travels through a series of alpine wetland “bogs” that are eroding. Project will consist of a trail reroute trails involving two steps constructing the trail alignment, mostly above tree line; and (2) diverting users to the newly aligned trail segment and discouraging use of the decommissioned route.
The Service Experience:
- Backcountry Trail Crew 14 wk. season - 4 on (Mon-Thurs) 3 off (Fri-Sun) schedule (June 20th – September 30th)
- Total personnel count from NCC to be 20-30 persons
- USFS is providing a Camp Cook for the duration of the project
- Crews will be provided with food/meals while they are staying at camp (including weekends)
- Start for Granite Chief Wilderness - 6/27/2022 - crews hike in - would be start of the 14-week season
- Personal gear may need to be packed in “on your own back”
- General hike to work between 1.5 - 3 miles one way while camped at Little Needle Lake Base Camp
- Vaccination will be required by USFS for all partners/contractors, this includes all NCC and AmeriCorps Training and Field Experience:
- First Aid and CPR certification
- Leave No Trace (LNT) training
- Trail construction and maintenance training for trail crews
- USFS A-Feller certification for forestry crews
Essential Duties:
- Building and maintaining trails, restoring and improving wildlife habitat, and reducing hazardous fuels in our forests and public lands;
- Camping up to seven nights in wilderness setting without formal restroom facilities or running water;
- Making a commitment of national service to our landscapes and communities;
- Maintaining a positive and professional attitude at all times while providing service;
- Communicating effectively with crew members, crew leaders, NCC staff and agency project staff;
- Complying with both production and quality work standards established by NCC Administration, crew supervisors and project partners;
- Contributing to basic duties at the campsite including cooking, cleaning and organizing crew equipment;
- Showing respect when interacting with other members, leaders, staff, project sponsors and community members;
- Participating in in-field education sessions;
- Lifting 25lbs continuously and 50lbs occasionally.