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Associate Superintendent

Associate Superintendent

Position Purpose
To inspire, lead, guide and direct every member of the administrative, instructional, and supportive services teams in setting and achieving the highest standards of excellence in developing and maintaining the best possible educational programs and services, so that each individual student enrolled in the school district will be provided with a complete, valuable, meaningful, and personally rewarding education. To oversee and administer the use of all school district facilities, property, and funds with to ensure that those resources are utilized in an appropriate manner.
Salary: $80,641-$122,142 (Commensurate with Experience)

Selected candidate must be a resident of Northampton or Accomack County and/or plan to relocate within 6 months of being hired. 

Essential Functions To assist the Superintendent in the task of insuring that each student is offered the best possible educational experience and to provide leadership in the ongoing progress of school division. To coordinate a comprehensive program of recruitment, hiring and retention of qualified staff in the cooperation with the Superintendent, Division Administrators and other staff.
  • Know and effectively communicate the division philosophy and mission.
  • Participate in the Administrative Leadership Team, and any other Division committees or meetings as assigned by the Superintendent.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of programs of in-service training and teacher orientation.
  • Participate as a member of the Division Strategic Planning Team. Coordinate the assessment and revision of the Division Six Year Plan.
  • Maintain liaison with social, professional, civic, volunteer, and other community agencies and groups having an interest in the Division.
  • Prepare State reports and claims as required by the Superintendent.
  • Report attendance data to the Superintendent.
  • Participate in writing and implementing grants to support the educational programs of the Division.
  • Work individually with parents and students regarding disciplinary issues.
  • Be familiar with the detail of all revenues and expenditures relevant to his/her areas of responsibility; use    this knowledge to prepare budget requests and monitor appropriated budgets to ensure compliance, working.
  • Testing Oversee administration and analysis of the Division testing program and communicate same to public.
  • Provide training to the Division’s School Site Test Coordinators based on information in the manuals and other Department of Report and Assessment sources for paper/pencil tests and online tests.
  • Set a schedule for SOL testing, benchmark assessments, WIDA testing, ARDT testing, universal screening, PALS, COGAT, and all other testing conducted within the division in conjunction with division and building administrators.
  • Assume the role of Division Director of Testing and attend Region II DDOT meetings and state-sponsored assessment conferences.
  • Work with benchmark assessment committee members to revise and update existing tests.
  • Follow the procedures set by the Department of Education in the handling and packaging of all secure and non-secure testing materials, including SOL, WIDA, and VAAP.
  • Order testing materials for all buildings.
  • Work with building administrators to analyze test data to identify areas of weakness, then communicate these to the Division Teacher Mentor.
  • Develop a budget to support accountability components not funded by the State.
  • Curriculum & Instruction In coordination with the principal and assistant principal, observe the in-class performance of teachers and confer and consult with them regarding their performance and their professional development.
  • Conduct analysis of instructional programs and materials, and work to assure that courses are designed with adequate attention to a PK-12 scope and sequence for effective learning.
  • Stimulate experimentation, inter-visitation, scrutiny of objectives, and enrichment of curricula and teaching methods by instructional staff.
  • Direct the creation of and edits for publication, all curriculum guides and materials for distribution among the instructional staff.
  • Work with the assistant principals, principals, and the Division instructional administrators in organizing and coordinating grade level and subject matter meetings in order to affect horizontal and vertical continuity and articulation of the instructional program PK-12.
  • Keep informed on the latest research trends and developments in all areas of education and disseminate professional information and materials to staff.
  • Act in partnership with those persons who have responsibility for coordinating special programs and services such as health services, Title I, Migrant, Gifted, Special Education, and Student Support Services.
  • Serve as a regular member of the Strategic Planning Team.
  • Lead the process of the planning and implementation of effective programs of supervision and evaluation.
  • Coordinate the selection, purchase, and use of textbooks, library media resources, and other teaching material.
  • Work with teachers in the preparation of curriculum and materials.
  • Supervise principals and teachers in the organization and presentation of instruction.
  • Develop and implement programs of in-service training and teacher orientation. Interpret the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the instructional program to the School Board and to the community at large.
  • Coordinate the implementation of instructional programs (i.e., after school programs, remedial summer school, Saturday School, etc.)
  • Participate in writing and implementing grants to support the instructional program.
  • State Department contact for: Accreditation, Advance Placement Fee, Assessment Committee Application, Assessment Record Review & Change, Educational Registry, Division Director of Testing, Exception to 1% Cap for VAAP, Reassignment of VAAP Scores, Foster Care Enrollment, GED, K-3 Class Size Reduction, Master Schedule Collection, Neglected and Delinquent, Postsecondary Education Report, SOL to Quantile/Lexile Conversion Tool, Student Enrollment Demographics, Student Record Collection, Teacher & Principal Evaluation Collection, Algebra Readiness, Family Life, Physical Education, Health, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Standards of Learning, Library Media Services, Remedial Education, Textbooks, Home Instruction, SSWS Account Manager, and VEWS.
  • Participate in various local and state committees to support division programs.
  • Work individually with parents and students regarding instructional and disciplinary issues.
  • Review and advise on placement plans for students.
  • Direct guidance services for the division. 
  • Supervise and serve as the Internal Lead for all School Improvement Efforts. Work with Administrative Assistant to prepare, maintain, and monitor records and reports such as:
  •  Academic Reviews
  • Comprehensive Needs Assessments
  • Reconstitution Plans
  • School Improvement Grants
  • Contracts with School Improvement partners
  • Perform other tasks and responsibilities as assigned or delegated by the Superintendent.
Additional Duties
•        Performs other related tasks as assigned by the Board of Education.
Note: The above description is not meant to be all inclusive of every task or responsibility.
•        Uses standard office equipment such as personal computers, printer, copier and fax machines, and telephone.
Travel Requirements
•        Travels to school district buildings and professional meetings as required.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
•        Thorough knowledge of current trends in research and practices in public education.
•        Demonstrated competence in leadership, management, interpersonal relations and communications.
•        Ability to maintain and instill high standards of ethics and integrity.
•        Knowledge of teaching methods, educational pedagogy and behavioral management methods successful in school environments at all levels.
•        Knowledge of administration and supervision concepts.
•        Knowledge of applicable federal and state laws regarding education, students, professional staff and other employees, etc.
•        Ability to organize and coordinate work.
•        Ability to develop and implement projects.
•        Ability to prepare oral or written communications for distribution to the School Board, employees, students and parents.
•        Ability to organize multiple tasks and conflicting time constraints.
•        Ability to ensure that responsible administrators address student disciplinary matters in an effective, consistent and fair manner in accordance  with applicable law and Board policies.
•        Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with others contacted in the course of work.
•        Ability to engage in self-evaluation with regard to leadership, performance and professional growth.
•        Ability to plan and implement professional development for administrators and teaching staff.
•        Ability to anticipate and address problems that may arise in a resourceful and consistent manner.
•        Ability to use computer network system and software applications as needed.
Physical and Mental Demands, Work Hazards
•        Works in standard office and school building environments.
Note:   Also see the Summary of Physical, Sensory and Environmental Requirements Needed to Perform Essential Functions for this position.
Qualifications Profile
•     State Certification as required for position
•        Motor Vehicle Operator's License or ability to provide own transportation
•        Bachelor's Degree and Masters Degree from an accredited college or university, in School Administration.
•        Masters plus 30 or Doctoral Degree preferred.
•        Extensive successful teaching experience, preferably in more than one grade level.
•        Extensive successful administration experience, preferably both as a school building and central office administrator.
FLSA Status: Exempt      12-month position